My Journey To USA

illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations

Published on Apr 18, 2020

On this day , April 18, 2000, I had landed at Dallas International Airport to start my journey in the USA 🇺🇸.
So I complete 20 years today .
My assets were a BS(Electronics & Communication Engineering) , top quality management experience and 122 Dollars .
But the most important baggage -my arrogance , highly inflated ego , extreme self esteem and contagious self confidence.
The final destination was Los Angeles with an intent to live as close to Hollywood as possible .

The dream was to start my own management consulting company helping the US corporations reduce their operating cost and improve profit margins.

The purpose was to get my son and daughter educated in American Universities.
My material aspirations were limited to keep buying new Mercedes Benz cars every 2-3 years .
I had blessings of my parents to start the journey and my wife Asha Sinha has been my greatest inspiration to keep achieving perpetual success .
She would never settle for less .
With grace of God I have been able to achieve all of the above .
And as a bonus I got highly educated & extremely talented daughter-in-law & son-in-law.
My children are highly accomplished professionals .
But the journey has just started !
I have hardly realized my true potentials.
Fulfillment of earlier dreams have given way to new goals and aspirations- professional and personal .
My indomitable spirit and unflinching faith in God - my greatest driving force .
Miles to go …

© Anand Shreekar